Pray the Psalms: Psalm 45
Watch as Rick Hamlin takes you through Psalm 45.
Watch as Rick Hamlin takes you through Psalm 45.
Watch as Rick Hamlin takes you through Psalm 44.
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General Manager & CEO of Sound of Life Radio, Tom Michaels Zahradnik, discusses the partnership between OurPrayer and Sound of Life Radio.
Author Emi Kiyosaki talks about the mental attitude of just getting by versus living with ease.
With God’s help, you can overcome life’s challenges and make 2013 your best year yet!
Experience God’s love deep in your heart. Send your prayer request, for yourself and for others.
Among Angels was a special project for the actress/artist, and she talks about how she hopes people will receive it.
Jane Seymour discusses love, life and angels.
Author James Gordon talks about the importance of the spiritual dimension in dealing with depression and melancholia.
As Mother’s Day approaches, share our May Video Prayer with the special moms in your life